Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2015 FastDL torrent download

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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2015 FastDL torrent download

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2015


Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2015 + crack

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC – Capturing a full range of light. Create incredible images with challenging scenes with a high contrast. New HDR Merge allows you to take multiple shots to combine different exposures in a single HDR image.

Wathet’s New in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC:

HDR images straight

Creating a natural or surreal images with extreme scenes. Using Merge HDR,you lesnokombinirat few pictures taken with exposure różnymiustawienia a wide dynamic range of the image.

stunning panoramas

Capturing Super Wide Field and incredible detail. Photomerge technology allows you to connect multiple photos, including RAW files to create seamless panoramas.

to increase the productivity

Import and enhance your photos faster than ever. Lightroommet using a GPU compatible overall increase in speed, especially when stepovishavanephotos in the Develop module. Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015 fast-dl torrent download

face Detection

Quickly find photos rodzinyi friends even without metadata tags. Select the face of one of the photos, Lightroom and zoekendie person in all other images. Categorize and group photos based on face.

Advanced video slideshows

Create a beautiful, polished slideshows using photos, videos and music together with professional effects like panning and zooming.

improved galeriiInternet

show work in a more elegant, engagingand interactive web galleries. New HTML5 templates gallery compatible with a wide range pulpiciei mobile browsers.

Better control filters

Precise control which parts of the image are affected by scaled or radial filters. Now you can mask use brush for editing filters, add or subtract filter effects wherever you want.

easily share photos

Publishing web galeriis Lightroom. Get feedback on the photos, start discussions and other informationLightroom on your mobile device or computer.

Support for more devices

Lightroom is now on Android devices. And like the iPad and iPhone, syncing all changes to your computer.

visual storytelling

Pull images from Lightroom and Adobe’s Voice slate of iPad or iPhone to recover visual and animation craft.

improvement Copy and Paste

IPad iPhone, you can quickly copy settings from one photo and paste them on another ultra-fast processing.

outstanding performance

Thenew regime presentation of the iPad or iPhone to show pictures without accidentally correction or editing.

Quickly locate a picture

segmentowegoWidokvan the iPad or iPhone, you help your favorite photos faster than ever.

Speed ​​Adjustment of composition

Redesigned trimming experience of the iPad and iPhone, you can quickly adapt, adjust and automatic straightening photos.

System requirements:


– Intel or AMD with support for 64-bit systems *

– Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows8 and Windows

– 2GB of RAM (4GB recommended)

– 2 GB of free disk space

– DVD-ROM drive as the purchase of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom boxed retail version

-OpenGL, And DirectX 10 graphics cards are capable of functions related to GPU

-Internet Connection and registration required for zhelanataaktivirane software, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services.

What’s new in version:

Product page and Web Release Notes have not updated


Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2015